ENergy and Water Sub-Metering System
Enica undertook a comprehensive metering survey assessment for this large manufacturer of milk-based products. Consultants identified the options for an automated meter reading system at the company’s Mid-Wales based site. A metering architecture based on Tridium’s Niagara platform was developed for the Company, giving the client flexibility to communicate with a wide variety of meter communication protocols including pulse, Modbus RTU, Modbus TCP and M-Bus.
The design of the system allows the site to retain the existing SCADA system network which historically communicated with the meters using a combination of Modbus TCP and pulse splitters.
Data is transferred via GSM to the eSight online portal and is available for analysis by Enica and the client. Staff within the company receive regular training on the system and its software and Enica provide regular energy and water bureau data analysis to identify consumption trends and patterns